10 Things to consider for a successful photoshoot

Deciding whether to have a professional photoshoot for your social media profile? If you’re going to invest in having professional photographs taken, then there are a few things you should consider before you even get to the studio to ensure its success.

You might be getting photos taken for your profile on your website, your social media profile or for your old-school business cards (still more than valid in my opinion!). Your public image is the first thing that many people will see before they ever meet you personally so you want to get it right. Professional photography is also a significant investment of your time and money. A 2-hour session with a professional photographer will financially set you back at least $1000 for 4 preferred shots – but the real investment is in your brand image. If your audience doesn’t relate to you, then they won’t want to buy from you. This is a biggy! You need to get it right.

The photographer will ask you to bring along clothes that you want to wear for the shoot but how do you decide what to bring? Do you even have the right clothing in your wardrobe? Do you need to buy something new or if that’s not an option, do you need to borrow something?

The following are some questions you should ask yourself when deciding what to wear leading up to the shoot. If you consider each of the following, then chances are you’ll have a successful shoot and you’ll be happy with the results.

So here we go…

 1.     How do you want people to feel about you when they see your pictures? Some of the words you may want to consider include trustworthy, friendly, approachable, capable, professional, reliable, caring, authentic, expert, authority, serious, genuine

2.     Does the outfit/s you’ve chosen send the right message?

3.     Does it need cleaning?

4.     Does anything need mending?

5.     Does it fit properly?

6.     Is it appropriate?

7.     Do you have the right accessories? Maybe you could borrow something from a friend?

8.     Does it suit your body shape and your personality?

9.     Is it the right colour?

10.  Do you need to go and buy something new?

Grooming is another area you need to think about. You might want to consider getting your hair professionally washed and blow dried prior to the shoot, getting your makeup professionally done, having your nails done the day before, having a facial, and for the guys, having your neckline, beard and/or moustache professionally groomed.

Even if you’re wearing the most appropriate outfit, the whole look can be ruined by poor grooming. Some of these things can be photoshopped, but even photoshop has its limits.

If you have no idea as to what you should wear, it may be worthwhile talking to an image consultant for some ideas or even to have them come and help you decide on your outfits a few days before the shoot. In some cases, this can be done virtually.

It could be the difference between a great image or struggling on the day to get it right.

Photographers are fantastic and can make magic happen, but it helps if they have a great subject and someone who’s prepared.

You certainly don’t want to walk away after investing the time and the money for a professional shoot only to have regrets about things that you could have easily solved if you’d been better prepared.

If you want to talk about how you can make your upcoming photoshoot more successful or you’re unsure as to what outfits you should take with you on the day of the shoot, please message me or email tanyaimageandwellness@gmail.com






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