Have you ever stood in front of your bulging wardrobe, and thought “I’ve got nothing to wear!!”???
Let me guess - the problem is that nothing really fits well, or it doesn’t suit or there’s nothing right for this particular occasion (and they never are just right for any occasion!). This is more common than what you might think. We often buy things because we like the way they look on the model or on the sales assistant (never really taking into account that they have a completely different body shape to ours) or we’re told by the over-enthusiastic sales assistant that “it looks fabulous” on us! Or we just look at it and something comes over us and even though it’s not really our thing, we have this image in our head of how we can make it work - but we never do!
You are not alone, and millions of women everywhere have a cupboard full of clothes they never wear.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you had your own personal stylist who you could take with you every time you went shopping who could advise you on what styles suited you best, so that you only tried on things that looked amazing on you and that you could wear with most other things in your wardrobe?
It’s possible to have your own private stylist or the equivalent of, right in your handbag!
The ‘My Private Stylist’ program is just that! This fabulous program lets you choose the right garment every time. You will avoid wasting money on clothes that don’t fit you properly, are the wrong silhouette for your body shape, or simply don’t suit you.
Purchase the program today and get a whopping 30% discount as an introduction to the program. Use the discount code “IAWtoday” and start learning about your best styles today!